
Admission requirements

The programme is intended for top-level international students.
Admission is based on academic excellence. Applicants should have a bachelor's degree or equivalent; a strong interest and/or previous studies in political science, sociology or related subjects; a sound knowledge of
English language.
The evaluation process will take into consideration the applicants bachelor degree score (or equivalent) as well as the entrance test. The calendar of this entrance test, as well as all details about its delivery, will be
posted every year by early spring on the UNIMI website (…) as well as on the specific GPS website ( Candidates who
do not pass the entrance test can sit again the test the following year.
Applicants who obtained their bachelor's degrees from Italian Universities are eligible for admission only if they hold a "laurea" degree belonging to any one of the "classi di laurea" (degree classes) listed below under
the heading "Note 1".
Applicants who completed their undergraduate studies in foreign Universities are eligible for admission if they
hold a bachelor's degree in political science, sociology, economics or other broadly related subjects (from
history to legal studies, philosophy, and so on), provided that their bachelor's degree may be regarded as
equivalent to one of the Italian "laurea" degrees listed below (Note 1).

L-05 Filosofia;
L-11 Classe delle Lauree in Lingue e Culture Moderne;
L-12 Classe delle Lauree in Mediazione Linguistica;
L-14 Classe delle Lauree in Scienze dei Servizi Giuridici;
L-16 Classe delle Lauree in Scienze dell'Amministrazione dell'Organizzazione;
L- l8 Classe delle Lauree in Scienze dell'Economia e della Gestione Aziendale;
L-20 Classe delle Lauree in Scienze della Comunicazione;
L-33 Classe delle Lauree in Scienze Economiche;
L-36 Classe delle Lauree in Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali
L-37 Classe delle Lauree in Scienze Sociali per la Cooperazione, lo Sviluppo e la Pace;
L-39 Classe delle Lauree in Scienze del Servizio Sociale;
L-40 Classe delle Lauree in Sociologia;
L-41 Statistica;
L-42 Classe delle lauree in Storia.

Non-native English speakers must be able to demonstrate their knowledge of English. At least a B2 level is required. The possessing of a IELTS or TOEFL will be taken into account. Candidates can also prove their knowledge of English if they have at least one year of university studies at institutions where English is the main language.

The GPS admissions committee will ascertain the B2-level requirement


Application for admission: from 22/01/2024 to 31/05/2024

Application for matriculation: from 08/04/2024 to 15/01/2025

Admissions A.Y. 2025/2026

Admission applications for Academic Year 2025/2026 are now open. Non-EU students visa applicants are required to apply for admission no later than 30 April 2025.

How to apply

The admission process consists of the following:

• Online application

• Admission test (online)


The application must be submitted online through the proper service “admission”. Applicants must first register into the system by following the instructions on this page.


There is no Italian test to pass.


All applicants will be invited to sit the admission test after receiving the applications.


Exam rules & procedures

The exam will take place online using the dedicated platform provided. We urge all applicants to read carefully the information concerning the exam rules and procedures indicated in the file below "REGULATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE TEST FOR UNIMI A.Y. 24-25".


Program eligibility check

We encourage all candidates to check this web page for their eligibility before turning in their applications in order to avoid rejection after taking the exam.



Only those who have submitted a complete application by the specified deadline (and thus have met all application requirements by such deadline) may sit the entrance exam.


About the exam

The test aims to ascertain the applicants’ knowledge, competencies, and skills in the core areas of the GPS program and their ability to enter the Master’s program successfully. The exam consists in a test with 50 multiple-choice questions.


The exam comprises four core parts indicated below. To pass the quiz, candidates should demonstrate sufficient knowledge in each area tested.


- General Sociology 

- Introduction to Political Science 

- Social Research Methods

  • General Knowledge/Current Affairs in Global Politics & Society


Passing the entrance exam is one of the prerequisites for admission to the postgraduate program, in addition to excellent academic records and English Language proficiency.


Recommended readings 

Applicants are required to study the following texts carefully before the exam.



- Giddens, A., Duneier, M., Appelbaum, R.P. & Carr, D. 2018. Introduction to Sociology. W W Norton & Co Inc, (11th edition) (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 11, 20).


Political Science:

- Clark, William Roberts, Matt Golder, & Sona Nadenichek Golder. 2017. Principles of Comparative Politics. CQ Press, (3rd edition). 

- Caramani, Daniele (ed.). 2020. Comparative Politics. Oxford University Press, (5th edition)


Social Research Methods:

- King, G., Keohane, R. S., Verba, S. 2021, Designing Social Inquiry. Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research. Second Edition, Princeton UP (chapters 1, 2, 3).

Exam date

The admission test will take place on June 13, 2024 at 9.00 AM.


The GPS admissions committee will communicate the exam results to the candidates by June 24, 2024.

Further information

University fees

For students enrolled on bachelor’s, master’s and single cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments of different amounts and with different payment deadlines:

  • the first, corresponding to the minimum amount, is the same for all students 
  • the second - technically referred to as an ‘all-inclusive fee’-  that is variable.

Students can also be entitled for tuition fee reductions such as:

  • lowering for students who meet high merit requirements 
  • fixed amounts calculated on the basis of the student's citizenship group for those with income/property abroad
  • support for students who have political refugee status.

More info at: Fees - current academic year

Scholarships and benefits

The University also provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students), including: