Careers and stakeholders

Analyst of social and political phenomena in the global scenario

Function in a work context:
Graduates in Global Politics and Society will be able to analyze - contextualizing them in the global scenario - complex socio-economic and political phenomena that characterize the relational and institutional structure of societies contemporary and pertain to different areas of public policy. The areas of expertise include: the analysis of the transformations induced by the processes of globalization and their own implications both on a global and local scale, the dynamics of discrimination and empowerment processes of discriminated social categories, welfare and anti-poverty policies, labor policies, rights humans.

Skills associated with the function:
Through the educational path, graduates acquire broad critical knowledge of the main social theories of the globalization processes, contemporary dynamics relating to democratization and cooperation processes and development, of intercultural relations and transformation of citizenship, also in relation to social and public rights Work. He also has solid methodological skills, both qualitative and quantitative. The profile of magistrate graduates is characterized by an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the social dimensions, political, juridical, economic and cultural aspects of globalization processes, both as regards relations international and local effects.
The master's graduate in Global Politics and Society therefore possesses advanced knowledge and skills for understand and evaluate the functioning of political institutions in different socio-economic contexts and the implications generated by processes that occur on a global scale.

Employment opportunities:
Global Politics and Society master graduates will be able to pursue several professional careers in one multiplicity of sectors, proposing themselves as specialists capable of interpreting political, economic and social issues in the global scenario and to develop medium and long-term strategic plans: 1) in the field of research applied, in the field of social and political sciences; 2) at national and international institutions and organizations non-governmental; 3) in public, private or third sector companies operating on the global market; 4) in the sectors information, publishing and cultural industries.
By way of example, they may apply to hold positions of responsibility in public, private or third party bodies sector, inserted in national and international contexts or in the global market, including: public bodies and governmental bodies (Ministries, General Directorates, institutions and bodies responsible for the design, implementation and evaluation of policies social and labour, anti-discrimination policies and cooperation and development policies (both local and
international); community and transnational bodies (multilateral agencies of the United Nations, the European Union, the World Bank, the OECD, etc.); non-governmental and third sector bodies engaged in subsidiary actions of implementation of social and labour, cultural, educational and development cooperation policies.
Master's graduates in Global Politics and Society will also acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to access second level masters and/or to continue training at doctoral level, in science disciplinespolitical and social issues in Italy and abroad.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)

Acquired skills and competences
Graduates of this programme will be equipped with the theoretical tools and empirical knowledge necessary for an in-depth and critical understanding of the functioning of contemporary societies and polities within the global scenario. To this end, the master’s degree in Global Politics and Society will offer an advanced training in the fields of political science and sociology, complemented with key competences in the area of law and economics.
In addition, during the whole programme, GPS aims at:

  • enhancing the acquisition of soft skills, such as teamwork, the ability to present in public and effectively discuss topics related to political and social dynamics in a globalized scenario;
  • fostering the capacity of critical and creative thinking in relation to the global threats affecting the functioning of contemporary societies and polities.

The programme interacts with local, national and international stakeholders, such as professional organizations, manufacturing companies and service providers.