Extracurricular Research Activities

Research Seminars on Global Politics and Society

Attend research seminars led by distinguished scholars covering various aspects of social and political research related to the GPS program.

Thematic Summer Schools and Workshops

Participate in summer schools and workshops that bring together contributions from scholars on themes relevant to the GPS curriculum.

Fieldwork and Scientific Paper Collaboration

Engage directly in fieldwork activities, with the opportunity to contribute to the drafting of scientific papers and, potentially, their publication.

The research project “Citizenship and Precarity in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic” was conducted within the framework of the post-graduate programme ‘Global Politics and Society’ (GPS) at the University of Milan, in collaboration with the research centre InCite at the University of Geneva and Colorado Mesa University. The project, led by Prof. Manlio Cinalli and Prof. Marco Giugni (Principal Investigators), together with Dr. Audrey Lumley-Sapanski, Dr. Senyo Dotsey, Dr. Elena Fontanari, and Dr. Giulia Mezzetti, has also included an exceptional cohort of GPS students. Running from November 2021 to August 2023, the first phase of the project encompassed both qualitative and quantitative research across the entire span of the COVID-19 pandemic. Notably, all GPS students have completed their degrees during this period of time, sometimes incorporating the research they personally conducted within this collaborative framework into their Master’s dissertation.

Download & read the full project's report